Working with colleges and training providers, our core services sit across quality improvement, quality assurance, curriculum support and developing managers, all with the objective of ensuring your organisation is delivering the best possible service to learners. To find out more, read our about us page.
Quality Improvement
Whether it’s providing training to groups of staff on all matters related to Teaching, Learning and Assessment, or providing 1:1 mentoring and coaching support to teachers, our team of consultants are highly experienced quality improvement practitioners who have a proven track record of improving standards in numerous education and training environments.
Curriculum Support
Consultants with a strong background in senior curriculum management can support you in your business and curriculum modelling. We are experienced in conducting curriculum reviews with managers, ensuring that your curriculum intent is fit for purpose, meets the needs of stakeholders, aligns with national and regional priorities and provides value for money.
Leadership & Management
All of our consultants have extensive management experience and fully understand the numerous demands placed upon senior and middle managers in the Further Education and Skills Sector.
We can help you and your colleagues by providing training on a whole range of issues, from financial management to HR related issues to managing standards.
We offer one to one support through coaching and mentoring to enable managers to develop the skills required to be successful in their roles.
Quality Assurance
Working with colleges and training providers, our consultants provide first-class support in ensuring that your quality assurance processes, policies and procedures are fit for purpose and are aligned with the very latest requirements of external audit. This includes:
- Joint lesson observation
- Joint work scrutiny
- Supporting you in setting up and running Quality Curriculum Reviews
- Acting as a critical friend in reviewing your Quality Assurance systems.
- Constructing a Quality Assurance cycle which has the buy in from all your staff and aligns with your existing policies and procedures.